Over 8 Million Pilgrims Have Performed Umrah Halfway Through Ramadan!

Hera Shabbir
A whopping eight million folks have been flocking to the Holy city of Makkah for Ramadan, as per the latest Ministry of Hajj and Umrah stats! Madinah has also been welcoming pilgrims from all corners of the globe, kicking off their spiritual trip to Makkah. Saudi’s also been pulling out all the stops to make sure every visitor has an amazing experience throughout their journey.  

So far around 8,235,680 Umrah pilgrims have made it to the city in just the first half of Ramadan!

Not only are there just flights flocking in to the city, but most pilgrims are actually hitting the roads, with close to a million opting for land travel. Reports also indicated that out of the 8 million visitors so far, 7,259,504 have successfully completed their Umrah, leaving around 976,176 visitors currently enjoying prayers in the holy city.

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