Saudi Provided Nearly 1.5 Million Religious Services To Hajj Pilgrims This Year

Saudi Provided Nearly 1.5 Million Religious Services To Hajj Pilgrims This Year

During this year’s Hajj season, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah, and Guidance provided approximately 1.5 million religious services to support the 1.8 million pilgrims who participated!

Saudi Provided Nearly 1.5 Million Religious Services To Hajj Pilgrims This Year

These services were offered from June 15, just before Arafat, until the conclusion of Hajj. The ministry deployed 600 Islamic teachers and translators across Makkah, Madinah, and the Hajj locations of Mina, Muzdalifah, and Arafat. They played a crucial role in guiding pilgrims and providing information about the annual religious rituals. Additionally, a toll-free helpline was set up to manage pilgrims’ inquiries.

More than 600 preachers were present at the Holy sites

Saudi Provided Nearly 1.5 Million Religious Services To Hajj Pilgrims This Year

Minister Abdullatif bin Abdulaziz Al Alsheikh commended the teachers and translators for their dedication in aiding pilgrims during Hajj. More than 600 male and female preachers were also present at the Holy sites, offering guidance in various languages on Islam and the importance of moderation, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency.

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Guidance was provided throughout the pilgrim’s journey!

Saudi Provided Nearly 1.5 Million Religious Services To Hajj Pilgrims This Year

The ministry’s support extended to guiding pilgrims during the days of Tashreeq in Makkah and at the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, ensuring comprehensive assistance throughout the pilgrimage journey. These efforts were part of the ministry’s commitment to facilitating a spiritually fulfilling Hajj experience for all participants.

The Ministry’s efforts supported over 2 million pilgrims and visitors, contributing significantly to their welfare and spiritual enrichment during this sacred occasion.

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