Sons Of Madinah’s Famous Tea Man Carry On Father’s Legacy After His Passing

Hera Shabbir

Ever heard about the famous tea-and-dates hero in Madinah? Sheikh Ismail Al-Zaim Abu Al-Sabaa  was a legend, known for his extra acts of kindness of personally distributing free tea and food to incoming pilgrims in Madinah for decades. He unfortunately passed away earlier this month at the age of 96.

His two sons were seen distributing the free dates and food to pilgrims recently

His sons plan to keep the legacy brewing strong! Folks are buzzing with excitement, seeing them carry on their old man’s tradition in a recent video posted on X.

His sons have been by Sheikh Ismail’s side from his distributing days, as shown in this video below

His legacy impacted generations of pilgrims incoming to the Prophet’s city, and thousands sent prayers and well wishes for Sheik Ismail for his generous personality.

Prayers poured in for the legendary tea man of Madinah upon his passing

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