Taif Has Turned Absolutely Pink This Month And Here’s Why

Hera Shabbir

Taif is known to be the capital of pink roses around this season! These aren’t your ordinary flowers that you’d see in a bouquet or on the streets of Saudi, but are EXCLUSIVELY in this region for a certain period of time.

The high altitude and cool temperatures in the mountains make these roses is strikingly fresh 😍

In order to harvest these beautiful flowers properly, each delicate rose must be hand picked early in the morning. They are known to release the most beautiful fragrance, that is also used in perfumes and essential oils.

The city of Taif celebrates these roses through turning the whole city pink! 🌸

You’ll find pink flower arches, baskets, accessories, and perfumes all over town during the prime rose season. The pink roses actually contain 30 oil-rich petals which contain a powdery rose scent, with delicious hints of tea and honey!

There’s even a rose market held for all the public to enjoy the peak season of these beautiful flowers 😍

The whole town is painted pink during the night time to keep the celebrations going 🕺


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