The Man Who Fed An SR500 Note To A Camel In A Now Viral Video Has Been Arrested


2024 has been declared the Year of Camels. The authorities are going all out with programmes and initiatives to boost the camel sector and celebrate these magnificent beasts. One man decided to celebrate it in his own unique way.

A viral was doing the rounds earlier this month, in which a man pulled out a crisp SR500 bill and offered it to a camel for no reason whatsoever (maybe he wanted views, who knows?). The camel quickly munched on it, and the video didn’t go down well with the local community. You can’t blame them; the man was literally throwing his money away when it could have been used for so many other needy causes!

The Saudi police, too, weren’t pleased with the man’s antics, and before he knew it, he found himself in a bit of hot water.

They accused the guy of intentionally messing with a banknote and then having the audacity to film it for the world to see. Not exactly the smartest move, huh?
And just so you know, messing with money in Saudi Arabia is a serious business. “Up to five years in prison” serious. Plus, they can slap you with fines up to SR10,000. Ouch.

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