Inspired By Her Own Story: This Female Photographer Shares Amazing Photos Of Saudi Weddings

Award winning Saudi photographer Tasneem Al Sultan poignantly portrays  different shades of Saudi marriages.The beautiful project is inspired by her personal journey into fairy tale wedding at a young age and the photographs she shares are absolutely creative!  

She writes “ I started the project thinking I only had my personal story to share. I was married at the age of 17,  and living separately as a single parent for the last six years of an unhappy 10 year marriage. Many family members commented on how foolish I was to ask for a divorce. Only later, I realized that there were many Saudi women who had similar experiences, beyond my expectations of a typical Saudi housewife.”

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A universal joy: The site of a bride. Even among ballroom staff. #riyadh #saudiarabia #weddings #bride

A post shared by تسنيم السلطان لتصوير الأفراح (@tasneemalsultanweddings) on

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#Repost @time ・・・ It’s simple to share someone else’s vulnerability. But when it’s yourself and your family, it’s extremely difficult to not have that mixed with pity. I can’t take any credit, without thanking those who’ve allowed me to share their stories, in full trust. I couldn’t have survived being in Saudi for a year shooting without knowing of your existence, dedication and support. See more photos on In this photograph, Nasiba, a fashion designer, plays with her son, Bilal, in their home in Jeddah. She and the boy’s father divorced and she has custody of him, which is rare for divorcees in Saudi Arabia. Photograph by Tasneem Alsultan (@tasneemalsultan) #saudiarabia #divorce #wedding

A post shared by تسنيم السلطان لتصوير الأفراح (@tasneemalsultanweddings) on

Tasleema Al Sultan shares“With each story, I found more women
sharing complex marriage theories and experiences. I followed the stories of
widows, happily married, and divorced women. I explored the concept of love,
photographing my young daughter and grandmother…A common realization with every woman I photographed, was that
they all managed to overcome the many hurdles that was put by society or/and

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