8 Things To Know About Prince Khaled And How He’s Helping Change The World

Prince Khaled, son of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal aka the billionaire mogul, is quite an endearing character.

Unlike the Hollywood representation of how royals should be, the prince is known for using his social media platform to raise awareness on anything related to saving animals and the world.

And here are a couple of other things to know about the Saudi prince…

1. He’s vegan and has been for a couple years now

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After being plant based for 8 years now I have to say I love the argument that we have very few options to eat…???? . ما هو الأكل النباتي… (واللي يرحم والديكم لا تسألون من وين يجيني البروتين ???????? كل شيء تشوفونه بالصورة فيه بروتين ????????). . #whatveganseat #plantbased #nutirition #health #crueltyfree #protein #wakeup #crossfit

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2. He joins his father on entrepreneurial ventures that he BELIEVES in

3. He absolutely detests animal abuse and stands against it

4. For his downtime, he also enjoys working out by doing CrossFit

5. He’s got a great sense of humor and is often joking around with his colleagues and friends

6. He’s working on replacing the idea behind zoos and aquariums into Saudi

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There is no need for aquariums or boring zoos! Uneducational, cruel and a drain on every city ????. They are unnatural and inhumane. . لا داعي لأحواض الأسماك الكبيرة ولا لحدائق الحيوان المملة التي لا تزار ولا نتعلم منها شيء. . ‎Our partnership with TimeSquare Entertainment & ⁦‪@natgeoencounter‬⁩ and our agreement with the ⁦‪@GEA_SA‬⁩ will bring entertainment and education to another level in the KSA first then Gulf and going worldwide. ‎⁦‪#NoJetLag‬⁩ ⁦‪#natgeoencounter‬⁩ ⁧‫#السعودية_اولا‬⁩ . ‏شراكتنا مع ⁦‪@NatGeoENCOUNTER‬⁩ واتفاقيتنا مع هيئة الترفيه ⁦‪@GEA_SA‬⁩ ستنقل معنا الترفيه والتعليم الى مستوى اخر بالمملكة اولا ثم الخليج. ‏ ⁦‪#entertainment‬⁩ ⁦‪#CrueltyFree‬⁩ ⁧‫#السعودية_اولا‬⁩ . #repost #kbw_ventures

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7. He promotes veganism and anti-cruelty wherever he goes

8. He’s even contributing to the restoration of Jordan’s Petra site

What a wonderful, inspiring and truly world-changing individual.

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