Reel Cinemas Has Popped Up On Two Locations In Saudi’s Google Maps And It’s Pretty EXCITINGGGG


Just months ago, reports circulated that cinemas were going to make a return to the Kingdom. Although no official statements have been made yet, there’s a few hints that have lead us to believe that it’s almost here. 

Mind you, cinemas have not existed in the Kingdom since 1982, after religious clerics’ requests. 

However, Twitter page @ItentertainSA discovered that Reel Cinemas has popped up on Google Maps, and it seem it will be located in two very distinct Saudi cities:

The map showed Reel Cinemas in Mall of Arabia and Red Sea Mall- Jeddah

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….and in Riyadh Park!

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The official announcements of the cinemas launch in the Kingdom is expected in less than a MONTH 

This means, pretty soon, we’ll all be able to enjoy a good chick flick or Bollywood film at the movies! YAAAS!

Who’s ready for this?

We know we are!

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