Saudi Arabia Has Rejected The US Senate’s Position On The Kingdom’s Internal Affairs


An official statement has been made by Saudi Arabia that “rejects the position expressed recently by the United States Senate” about the murder of Saudi citizen and journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.

At the same time, the statement affirms a commitment to further develop relations with the US

The Saudi foreign ministry has stated that the US Senate’s position had been based on “ unsubstantiated claims and allegations” and that it is also a “contained blatant interferences in the Kingdom’s internal affairs”

Saudi Arabia also rejected “any interference in its internal affairs, any and all accusations, in any manner, that disrespect its leadership, represented by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosque and the Crown Prince, and any attempts to undermine its sovereignty or diminish its stature.”

The Kingdom reaffirms its rejection of any attempts to take the case out of the path of justice

The statement also said the “murder of Saudi citizen Jamal Khashoggi is a deplorable crime that does not reflect the Kingdom’s policy nor its institutions.

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