Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Is The First Saudi Crown Prince To Visit A Cathedral


Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman doesn’t fail to surprise us, every single time. This week, during his three-day-trip to Cairo, he met with Coptic Pope Tawadros II at the St. Mar’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral on his second day there.

They reviewed the close relations of Saudi and Egypt and discussed religion

According to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), The Pope and Crown Prince discussed the important roles ‘different religions and cultures have to play in strengthening tolerance, renouncing violence, extremism and terrorism, and achieving security and safety of the people in the region and the world.’

A great step, amongst many, towards a more moderate Islam

His Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman also praised the role of Coptic Christians in helping maintain the stability of Egypt and by supporting and listening by the issues of the Arab and Islamic world.

This is just one of the great many steps he has taken so far to progress towards his Vision 2030 aims, and adapt to a more ‘moderate Islam’. In 2017, he made a statement at the Future Investment Initiative (FII) summit and stressed the importance of harmony amongst other cultures and religions, saying:

“We want to lead normal lives, lives where our religion and our traditions translate into tolerance, so that we coexist with the world and become part of the development of the world.”

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