11 Mesmerising Photos of This Saudi Village You Probably Never Heard Of


This beautiful hidden gem, Thee Ain Village, is located in the southwest city of Makhwah and has more than 40 homes in place- we’re completely envious of whoever lives there. 

We found 11 beautiful and mesmerising photos of the village that’s guaranteed to make you think twice about life itself:

1. I mean, is this a scene from a Disney movie or what?

The village is a 600-year-old habitation. Makes you kind of wonder why we rarely hear of this beauty…

2. Wow… even this ‘whatever it is’ looks cool

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3. How breathtaking..

Screen Shot 2017 09 28 At 4 39 46 Pm

4. …

5. Can we move here already?

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6. Imagine all the history that went on here

7. Nature’s best

8. What a perfect place it would be to unwind and get away 

9.  Stairway to…

10. Those mountains, the greenery, the brick homes…

Sleeping Beauty vibes all the way

#park #mountain

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11. Have you visited The Ain village before?

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