A 130-Year-Old Man Is Taking Part In Hajj As King Salman’s Personal Guest


An Indonesian pilgrim Hajji Ohi Aydarous Samri is one of the thousands of guests of King Salman. The most astonishing thing about him is that he is 130 years old. Perhaps the oldest man to ever perform the Hajj.

According to the Saudi Gazette, King Salman has invited Samri and six of his family members for thi8s year’s  Hajj,

Even Saudi Ambassador to Indonesia, Essam Al-Thaqafi, saw Samri off at the airport as it departed for Jeddah from Indonesia.

Once the pilgrim arrived here he was given a warm welcome by the airport officials


This is essentially the true spirit of how Saudi Arabia conducts the Hajj every year where people from all walks of life and ages come together for this once in a lifetime journey.

Truly remarkable


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