Everything You Need To Know About The Beautiful And Resilient Princess Ameerah Al Taweel

The 33-year-old young princess wasn’t always born into royalty, and although she may be divorced from Prince Waleed bin Talal al Saud now, the princess has made a name for herself in the world. 

As a philanthropist, women’s rights advocate and a voice for many people in the Kingdom, Princess Ameerah is definitely a force to be reckoned with. 

Here’s a few things you might have not known about her:

She wasn’t born a princess, in fact Ameerah was born into a middle-class family 

Born in Riyadh, in an interview with Wall Street Journal in 2012, Princess Ameerah explained how ironic it was that her name means ‘Princess’ in Arabic and when she got married to Prince Talal, people referred to her as ‘Ameerah Ameerah’ or ‘Princess Princess’. 

Princess Ameerah dreamed of being a heart surgeon when she was younger

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She first met Prince Waleed bin Talal al Saud for a school interview 

She met him when she was 18 years old, when her request for an interview with the Prince was approved. Reportedly, what was meant to be a few minutes of an interview turned into two hours. They got married 9 months later. 

The pair made a dynamic duo, with the Prince supporting Ameerah’s philanthropic works worldwide. Although they are divorced today, the two still speak very fondly of each other and have immense respect for one another.

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She’s been a great advocate for women’s rights not just in Saudi Arabia but all over the world 

Seriously, Princess Ameerah is like the Saudi-Arabian superwoman in her right. She feels very strongly about women’s education, women in the labour force and women’s participation in politics. She also plans to be one of the very first women to drive in Saudi Arabia, when the time comes. 

She rocked that outfit at Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding in 2011 

The Princess turned heads and was applauded by the media for the gorgeous outfit and matching hat she wore to the royal wedding. Many even compared her to Aladdin’s Princess Jasmine, mentioning that her long, black tresses were akin to the cartoon character’s. 

We can’t deny that.

She is a magna cum laude graduate of the University of New Haven with a degree in Business Administration

Beautiful and intelligent. 

The Princess continues her philanthropic work today 

Visiting different countries to talk, educate and help as well as tweeting her opinions to more than 1.4 million followers, on matters she feels strongly about. 

Although, she is no longer with the Prince Waleed, she says that she wants to be a role model to all women so they can look at her and say “She’s divorced but independent and doing things. She’s a role model.”

That’s definitely how we see you, Princess. 

Her words to live by: “Throw yourself to the edge that you’re always scared of. Try being independent; do it your way. You’ll love it.”

According to an interview with Cosmopolitan magazine in 2014. 

Whatever she does, wherever she goes… one thing’s for sure 

Princess Ameerah has represented Saudi women in such a positive way and we hope she continues to contribute to her humanitarian work as well as she does now.

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