Four Brothers Did The Nicest Thing For Expat Workers In Riyadh And Vlogged About The Whole Experience

In light of their 45th vlog on their channel, the four brothers that make up the ‘Saud Brothers’ decided to contribute to society- Saudi style. The brothers vlogged themselves going around Riyadh and handing out useful goodies to expat workers in public.

What did they give these workers, you ask?

The brothers realised how cold the country’s been getting

…and realise how much worse it might get. Therefore, the brothers decided to personally create bag packages with warming clothing like scarves, jackets, socks and even beanie caps. After purchase, they then packaged the items separately in adorable bags to later hand out to expats outdoors. 

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Saud Brothers drove around Riyadh to hand out the bag filled with winter clothing 

And you can instantly see the happiness on the recipients’ faces at how random and kind the gesture is.

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Who are they?

The Saud Brothers comprise of four brothers, with Saud Alhomud himself being the oldest and usually in charge of their social media accounts. On YouTube, they create local and relatable content that shows what they do for their community, at home, where they hang out and even travel. 

They’ve already hit more than a million followers

…as of October 2017. And we don’t doubt that their channel will continue growing.

YouTubers might come and go, some influencers do a little more shopping and a little less ‘influencing’ or uplifting someone else. But don’t let the not-so-good ones discourage you from appreciating existing ones who continue to create quality content. 

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