The Partial Lunar Eclipse Looked So Beautiful From The Kingdom’s Skies Last Night

The ‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ put on a beautiful show not just in parts of the Kingdom but also in other parts of the world. Yesterday, some of us witnessed the stunning red blue moon, a rare event that last took place 35 years go- when a blue moon syncs with a super moon and a full lunar eclipse. 

Saudi’s Eastern Province saw most of this eclipse, while the rest of the Kingdom saw a partial one. 

Photos of the Super Blue Blood moon all over the world have spread online

And they look absolutely stunning. From shadowing Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, gracing the European countryside- it was a vision to see. 

A total lunar eclipse only happens when the sun, Earth and moon line up cohesively, resulting in the Earth’s shadow appearing more visible on the moon.

(Image Credits: Social Media/ @TheArabHash)

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The hashtag #SuperBlueBloodMoon was a trending topic and people all over the world shared their own view of it 

An awestruck resident tweeted ‘Never prettier’ and we couldn’t agree more

Other people even went for the ‘telescopic’ view 

Everybody needs a time lapse

Never seen something so beautiful 

The partial eclipse seen across Saudi lasted about an hour 

The ones in Oman were particularly more visible

Did you get to see it?

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