The Mystery Of The Taif Roses And Reasons Why They’re So Adored

Rulers of the Othman empire in Hijaz region, The Al Sharif family, wanted to bring something to remind them of their homeland turkey. And so they brought with them the rose plant “Damascus guri”, and planted it in Hijaz, Saudi Arabia. 

But unexpectedly, something took place… 

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The roses from Taif had better fragrance than the homeland turkey

 “The best trees product of the roses was in Taif due to its pleasant, mild and moderate weather,” Taif’s famous tour guide Khalid Sherbil explains. 

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The difference between one from a perfume shop vs Taif’s Rose 

“If you go to a perfume shop and say give me “Taifi” rose and “Istanbuli”. The Taifi would always be  better”, added Khalid. 

The natural process makes it more unique

After 12 hours of distillation process, it results in 3 major rose products rose water,rose oil and skin care products. Copper pots are very important for distillation process.

It takes around 15,000 roses to make 1 small bottle of rose oil.

Almost makes you want to tear up, thinking of all those roses. 

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Taif hosts the largest ROSE CARPET in the world 

March-April are only two months are given for harvesting, collecting and dis-entitling roses. Taif also hosts the largest rose carpet in the world with 100,000 flowers of 50 various varieties of roses. 

The “Atawla” is a small glass bottle that will set people back SAR 1600 for 80 milliliters

The ‘Taifi roses’ are essential to Taif’s economy and farmers are adding other products like soaps, wet napkins, air fresheners. 

It’s a whole production!

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Where to find the best premium roses? Look no further…

The best premium roses are grown in Al Hada district, 2000 meters  above sea level, and is very close to Makkah. “The premium perfume has this essence so soothing and gives you an almost relaxing sensation”, tour-guide Khalid added. 

Almost 800 farms in Taif make around 300+ million roses per year.  

You keen on purchasing these amazing roses yet?


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