Yemen’s Houthi Militias Are Threatening To Block The Red Sea Shipping Routes


(Image used for illustrative purposes only)

The Houthi militias of Yemen are threatening to block the Red Sea shipping lane if the fight towards the port of Hodeidah that they control continues, according to Reuters. 

Yemen is situated in the southern part of the Red Sea and although there isn’t any details on how the threat could be made happen, this is still one of the most vital trade routes in the region for oil tankers. 

The Houthi-owned SABA news agency was quoted stating…

If the aggressors keep pushing toward Hodeidah and if the political solution hits wall, there are some strategic choices that will be taken as a no return point, including blocking the international navigation in the Red Sea

Saleh al-Samad, Houthis’ political council chief (via Reuters)

United Nations officials have tried to allow an open negotiation between the two 

wherein Saleh al- Samad, the political council chief of Houthis’ Ansarullah, agreed to compromise in any political discussions to end the aggression. 

On Tuesday, UAE’s minister of state for foreign affairs, Anwar Gargash, tweeted that the threats were a very clear proof of the Houthi militias “terrorist nature”.  

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