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Prices have fallen for 54 food items in Saudi while prices for 29 other items grew in comparison to last year, according to Saudi Gov Stats.
Tons of malls and grocery stores are offering staggering discounts as well!
Prices of Banana from Philippines had the biggest drop by 19 percent. Other Fruits and Nuts prices have gone down as well.
@sarawat supermarket
Meat and Poultry declined too!! Fish, Seafood, Milk, Cheese and Eggs..
Price of clothes, footwear, transport continues to fall as well
Prices of leisure and recreation also came down.. And its time for some affordable weekend FUN
So what are you waiting for? A great time to shop before VAT comes into effect in January 2018!
Soft drinks jumped almost 28 percent and cigarette prices rose almost 100 percent after a tax was imposed in June on both items…
Minimum custom amount to enter is AED 2
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