Saudi Residents Can Get VISA ON ARRIVAL For A New Born and Its Great News For Families


Babies born to new parents living in Saudi can now enter the kingdom without going through the hassle to get a visa in home country, said the GDP ( General Directorate of Passport), according to 3Alyoum news.

Upon certain conditions, Visa upon arrival would be issued without revealing many details.  Newborns currently have to go to Saudi embassy in country of origin to get an ENTRY VISA costing SAR 2000 . 

With this rule, going to Saudi Embassy in Home country will not be needed. 


What Do You Think The Conditions Might Be?

This is what we know..                                                                

A visa for the child will be issued at the point of entry on arrival provided the newborn has an

1.Independent passport

2.Parents are residents in the Kingdom  

3.Wife is dependent on her husband on ID

The GDP twitter account carefully educates about its services as it plans to improve and digitize visa/passport services for residents and citizens alike as a part of 2030 vision. 

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