USA And Saudi’s Celebrated Its 75-Year Friendship With An Iconic Re-Enactment


On February 14, while everyone celebrated Valentine’s Day around the world (Saudi did too), the USA and KSA commemorated their 75 years of unity and strong relations.

Prince Sultan bin Ahmed bin Abdulaziz and Franklin D. Roosevelt’s grandson reenacted the historic meeting between King Abdul Aziz aboard the USS Quincy- 75 years ago.

The recreation of this photo was done during a celebration of the two nations’ 75-year-friendship

Footage of what transported King Abdulaziz to his meeting with US President Roosevelt shows the USS Murphy when it first set sail to Jeddah

A time machine of sorts: even gifts King Abdulaziz had brought along with him were re-discovered

One of King Abdulaziz Al- Saud’s many presents for President Roosevelt and his family included a brass cloisonne box, beautifully decorated with a floral design and with five pieces of ambergris inside.

Another present was a steel dagger in gold and a diamond-encrusted hilt and sheath

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