The UAE and KSA Are Showing Signs Of Leadership That Can Stabilise A Region For The Foreseeable Future

There is a lot of international media analysis on political status quo in UAE and KSA. Some suggest that being more involved in foreign policy, engaging in other countries will destabilise the region. It is this sign of strength that is, in fact, the foundation of stability for years to come. 

The leadership of the UAE and KSA are wise, and so are their forefathers, peace and stability is the ultimate objective. However, in a region with some many geo political complexities, standing back and staying quiet, runs the risk of been swallowed up. For the UAE to grow and be an independent, respected, prosperous nation, when it turns 100 in 2072; and for the KSA to grow an economy beyond oil dependency, what is happening now is needed.


Like in business and it like, we always strive to improve, standing still isn’t an option. Like a new CEO’s goal is to improve the performance of a company, it’s that company is listed, it will be measured on a quarterly basing and judged on share price. A country equally has a GDP that is a sign of the health of the economy. But like a large multi national, the true sign of health is how happy the employees are. It’s the same in the UAE, and KSA. 

HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, recently wrote about book on happiness that speaks at length on this topic. The Crown Prince SMB spoke at the Riyadh conference last week that almost 70% of it’s people are until 30, and that the policy changes and plans are as much for those people, as they are for Saudi Arabia as a nation. 

Just like running a company, it’s not as simple as getting things right from within. There are externalities, known unknowns and unknown unknowns as Donal Rumsfeld famously said. Not every nation will like to see a stable and prosperous GCC, why they will react and who they are, are known unknowns. In addition, there are macro-economic factors that may occur that are unknown unknowns. Being prepared with foreign policy will equip the GCC to deal with such unknowns. 


Whilst some nations like Switzerland and the Republic of Ireland, have found that remaining neutral overseas has proven successful, it has only been because there has been leadership in their region that they can follow. 

The leadership within the GCC by KSA and UAE, is only a good thing for neighboring countries, like Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain. And close by, Yemen (although it’s hard to see it now, but the mission there is to defend against Iran-supported rebels) and Egypt. 

In the midst of uncertainty, it’s hard to see stability. If we look at history, there was a lot of instability in Europe in 1870 before Otto Von Bismarck stabilized the situation with no wars for almost forty years. The same after WW2, when amongst other, Churchill’s leadership of Britain was needed. 

In a time of uncertainty in the Middle East, that has been ongoing with the Gulf War in 1991, Lebanese Civil War in 1996, the US invasion of Afghanistan right up to the Arab spring in 2011 that affect many countries including Tunisia, Egypt and Syria. 

Our role

HH Sheikh Mohammed often speaks about the Arab people and their ability to lead, he talks of the history, the culture and the leadership of the past. It’s time that this leadership is replicated, and it’s time that we understand the current status quo as something indigenous to the Arab region, rather than influenced by elsewhere. 

Western media will cover the recent 2017 developments in the Gulf as President Trump’s foreign policy, however, these developments didn’t happen over night and did not with the start of Trump’s presidency in January of this year. 

Time will tell whether the current visions in the UAE and KSA will pay off. However, a fundamental element is how each and everyone of us living here, nationals and immigrants alike, get behind the plans, support and believe in what is trying to be achieved. We can all be leaders ourselves. 

If the going gets tough, if we are frightened by the geo-political instability, or the current relatively slower economic growth, or even if we are facing uncertain career futures, abandoning ship isn’t the right action to take. 

If you are in the UAE, see what has been done until now and believe in what is to come, if you are in KSA get behind the current VISION 2030 and be part of it. 

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