This Intense Video Shows The Moment Two Men In Riyadh Stole SAR 215,000 From A Saudi Man


Two thieves were caught on CCTV after having stolen a local man’s SAR 215,000 by a bank in Riyadh. The worst part is that all this happened in BROAD daylight.

Reports say that the incident took place on Thursday and at quite a planned system.

The footage, shared by AlRamsNet, shows how the thieves waited for the man to finish his transaction at the bank after which he snatched the bag full of money from the man’s hands and ran.

Thankfully, there was a camera around

As it turns out, the visible white car on the side of the road was waiting so as to depart the scene immediately after doing their deed.

Horrible people.

According to AlRamsNet, the man had a feeling he was being followed right after he left the bank.

Beware peeps

Although the Kingdom is generally a safe place, you can’t always evade those who want to do bad things. So keep yourselves safe and make sure your money is safely stored, especially when leaving places like the mall, an ATM machine and other areas.

Best to stay cautious, regardless.

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