Winter Clothing Is Being Sold At NO Cost In A Riyadh Store And It’s All For A Very Rewarding Reason


There’s a clothing shop that is currently operating in Riyadh, but everything’s for free. If you’re confused, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Young Saudi volunteers have taken it upon themselves to collect donations of items, like clothing, blankets and even heating stoves. The warm-hearted volunteers followed this up with repairing anything that needed it so it’d look brand new.

Initiatives such as these help families who can’t afford to stay warm, especially in the Kingdom’s recent cooler winter weather.

(Image Credits: Stock)

Families get to fill shopping carts with whatever they need and pay nothing

The ‘Winter Warmth’ initiative is well on its fifth year doing this and it is run by the Ehtiwa’ Voluntary Foundation.

Every year, the foundation aims to support at least 1,000 families by bringing in more warmth to their winter seasons.

The main difference with this initiative to similar ones you might have seen elsewhere is that families get to choose what they need, instead of having boxes delivered to them.

The campaign received 500,000 clothing pieces last year

According to Arab News, the organisation aims to reach the same number in 2019.

Ehtiwa has collaborated with a charity to reach families from cities and towns across Riyadh where the weather is colder, to provide the necessary items that will help keep them warm.

What a gesture from Saudi’s youth.

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