7 Problems Every Saudi Girl Experiences During The Summer Months


We’re almost over summer and we all know, it’s HOT.

But the long summer months mean a couple of things for us ladies…

1. Everyone sweats, but you still can’t cope with the patches

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2. You’ve realised primer doesn’t work and the beauty industry is a lie

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3. You’ve got a flowing wardrobe and nothing to wear

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4. Your jeans feel a size smaller and your feet have definitely expanded

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5. Your mascara has set up home south of your eye duct, not where you artfully applied it in the AM

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6. Hair. Sweat. Neck… ‘Nuff said

7. The humidity has become your mortal enemy numero uno

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It’s hot. But November is approaching and that means we get to wear our jackets, worry less about outfits and make-up smudges

All in good fun! 


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