A Filipino Man Was Sending Money Home And Ended Up Winning AED1 Million


A Filipino man sent AED3,677 back home to his wife and ended up winning AED1 million through this years Al Ansari Rewards.

Dizon Bansil, who is based in Sharjah, made the transfer and ended up being the fourth millionaire to win the promotion from Al Ansari Exchange.

The Filipino engineer stated how happy and blessed he felt to win the prize, “[It] will now allow me to pursue a lot of my postponed dreams.”

Rashid Ali, the General Manager of Al Ansari Exchange, shared his congratulations to Al Dizon and said he was sure the jackpot will be put to good use by the winner.

Summer promotions at Al Ansari Exchange

Al Ansari has been giving away prizes all summer and changing the lives of many people.

Other prizes that they’ve given away consist of Nissan Patrol, iPhone 7’s, LED TVs as well as various cash prizes.

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