This Five Star Hotel Is Mincing Its Friday Brunch Leftovers And Feeding It To Sheltered Animals

This is the type of positive community action that’s amazing to see.

Residents are coming together to tackle two big problems in the region… and the reaction is exactly what you would expect.

Chef J Gourmet, an Emirati chef, Springbok Butchery, Catering UAE, the Fairmont Hotel Abu Dhabi team, and Animal Action UAE are turning Friday leftover brunch food (and there’s a lot of it) into food for animals.

This was the first Friday the initiative was put to the test and judging from the success (and over-whelming positive reaction from residents) this could really take off.

Leftover brunch food is packed up

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And minced up for the animals

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The food is processed and minced, and this week they tested to see if the animals would like it

Post-brunch leftovers were gathered by the Fairmont team, packed up and minced in the Springbok kitchen, before it was transported to Cloud 9 Pet Hotel and Care.

The result? The dogs lapped it up!

According to a report from Chef J Gourmet, this service was a success and thanks to Fairmont Bab Al Bahr, they will continue doing this good work for the community.

“We want all vets housing strays to be able to receive this food! We want all of the wonderful volunteers of this country that give their time and money to visit feeding sites across the country to have this food! We want all hotels and restaurants to join our initiative to save food waste so that it can be used to feed instead of thrown away and wasted!”

Chef J Gourmet

The post asked readers to share the news

This could be the beginning of something big and the answer to the difficult question of food wastage and sheltered animals that need feeding.

Read the full story here

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