Night Kayaking At The Louvre Abu Dhabi Is Now A Thing And It Looks Awesome


When news broke that you could kayak around the Lourve Abu Dhabi, it’s fair to say, the activity-seekers among us were hella’ impressed.

An Instagrammers DREAM, if there’s a better way to view the world famous piece of architecture, we’re waiting to hear about it.

But now, the good people at Sea Hawk are going one step further with the option to take a night kayak tour during the summer months.

This is bucket list stuff!

(Main image credits 3liuae_ and IG @LouvreAbuDhabi)

Night-time kayayking at the Louvre Abu Dhabi is now a thing and you’re already in the queue

Tours are only available on certain dates…RUN!

You can reserve your tour for AED126 per person. There are currently morning, lunch-time and sunset tours, but now there are night-time tours at 8.30pm and 10pm.

Check these dates for availability now

July 17

July 18

August 15

August 16

September 13

September 14

Discover the Louvre in the most unique way possible

See more
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