Important New Marriage And Divorce Laws For Non-Muslims Introduced In Abu Dhabi


A new law has been established for non-Muslim matters, consisting of 20 points that cover marriage, divorce, joint custody of children, and inheritance.

Issued by President Sheikh Khalifa the move aims is to modernize the legal system for non-Muslim family affairs, bringing it up to international standards.

It will mean equal rights for men and women if they go to the courts, according to Abu Dhabi Judicial Department. 

In the case of divorce: Joint and equal custody of children will be granted. If there’s a dispute, the court will intervene and make a decision, in the best interest of the child, with the aim to safeguard the psychological health of the children.

New marriage laws: Non-muslims can now marry without consent from the wife’s guardian and divorce can be approved without the need for family guidance or mandatory mediation sessions, according to The National.

Inheritance laws have also been updated, if someone dies without a will, half of the estate will go to the spouse and the other half goes to their children

The move is an important step for equality and confirms the capital’s efforts to continuously improve its status as a tolerant destination

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