AED52.3 Million! The Number 1 Abu Dhabi License Plate Has Been Sold

Mayar Ibrahim

In 2008, the Number 1 Abu Dhabi License Plate was up for auction. When the bidding started, people bid all the way up to AED25 Million. However, they ultimately sold the plate for AED53.2 Million at the auction in Emirates Palace.

Mr. Saeed Al Khouri won the number 1 Abu Dhabi license plate after a furious contest

The Emirati businessman in Abu Dhabi won the license plate as he bid AED53.2 Million for it. Moreover, he beat the previous record for the highest bid on a license plate!

The previous record holder for the highest bid on a license plate was his cousin. Mr. Talal Ali Mohammad Khouri previously bid AED25.2 Million for the number 5 Abu Dhabi license plate. Which he is the proud owner of!

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