Single-Use Plastic Bags Will Be Banned Tomorrow With These Exceptions

Mayar Ibrahim

The Environment Department – Abu Dhabi (EAD) announced that single-use plastic bags will be banned in Abu Dhabi starting tomorrow, June 1.

The EAD made the first announcement of the ban on Sunday, May 29

The EAD organized a workshop on Monday, May 30 to train inspectors on the new executive regulations about single-use plastic products and their replacements in Abu Dhabi.

The inspectors came from different departments such as the EAD, Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development Abu Dhabi (DED), and Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA).

The EAD releases an image promoting the ban of single-use plastic bags

Single-use plastic bags will be banned in Abu Dhabi starting Wednesday, June 1. However, some products are exempted from the ban.

This ban excludes bags used for medicine in pharmacies, bag rolls for vegetables, meat, fish, chicken, grains and bread. In addition to large shopping bags designed for fashion or electronic gadgets, toys, waste bags, and bags designated for keeping messages, postal parcels or magazines and newspapers.

Don’t forget to bring a reusable bag on your next trip starting tomorrow!

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