There’s A Great New Way To SELL And DONATE Unwanted Kid’s Toys In Dubai


I have watched my sister-in-law sift through endless Facebook groups searching for a particular brand of this, or a particular size of that, always on the lookout for bargains for kids’ items in Dubai. This purely kid-focused classified section might just be the solution and should help a lot of busy parents out!

A new platform for parents to sell, exchange, giveaway and donate children’s toys has just launched in Dubai.

This is a classifieds JUST for kid’s toys, books, clothes, and accessories. It’s called TOYIT and the site has partnered with Emirates Red Crescent, Hope Factory, and Toys with Wings making it incredibly convenient for parents to donate lightly used toys.

Consider donating your kid’s old toys on TOYIT


If your house is piled high with unused toys… Do something about it!

The toy market in the UAE is HUGE, with parents estimated to spend US$1.1 billion on children’s, toys, games, and video games this year alone. Some parents are looking for a bargain, while others might find your kids are growing up and you’re left with a house full of toys that your kids have lost love for. Now, consider selling or donating them.

The idea for TOYIT was UAE born and bred and the team is headquartered in in5 Hub, a Dubai hub for entrepreneurs and start-ups in tech, design and media industries.

TOYIT is linked with Emirates Red Crescent, Hope Factory, and Toys with Wings


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