Here Are The UAE’s Big Government Plans For 2023

Mayar Ibrahim

On January 2, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid held a cabinet meeting with officials in the UAE. In this meeting, they discussed the UAE’s future government plans for 2023.

H.H. Sheikh Mohammed released the 5 important government plans for the UAE

In his tweet, His Highness stated, “We have 5 government priorities during 2023 that we approved today in the Council of Ministers.”

  1. National identity and its consolidation.
  2. The environment and enhancing its sustainability.
  3. Educational system and the development of its vision, indicators and outputs.
  4. The localization process and its acceleration.
  5. Our international economic partnerships and their expansion.

The Dubai Ruler praised the nation’s progress during 2022 and looked forward to fulfilling its goals this year

H.H. Sheikh Mohammed mentioned that the UAE is one of the most adaptable governments in the world.

“We reviewed the outcome of 2022. The Cabinet issued more than 900 decisions.” He stated, “A total of 22 government policies were developed and approved, 68 federal laws were revised and issued, 113 national regulatory regulations were drafted, approved, and implemented.”

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