The World’s First Hyperloop Office Outside The US Will Be Right Here In Dubai

As talk of the Hyperloop continues to grab headlines (Abu Dhabi to Dubai in 12 minutes, um YES please!)…

Global heavyweights are reportedly battling to complete the first Hyperloop and it looks like the UAE is leading the race now that further progress has been announced.

It’s been confirmed that the first Hyperloop One office outside the US will be here in Dubai, according to a CNN report

The news was confirmed on Sunday and a virtual image of the Hyperloop station was released

Footage of the inside of the futuristic Hyperloop were made public earlier this year

The first pod prototype for Dubai’s proposed 700mph Hyperloop, which promises to get passengers from Dubai to Abu Dhabi in 12 minutes looks like something out of the future.

But it’s been reported that a 10k Hyperloop will be in Dubai by 2020.

Once complete it will save an estimated $800 million in lost working hours AND save commuters 78 minutes in travel time.

Looks part thrilling, part terrifying

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