An Arab Man Realised His Wife’s Jewellery Was Stolen After Seeing It On Their Maid’s Instagram Page


We’ve seen Instagram being used for a lot of things– but a platform for selling stolen gold is definitely a first for us!

A maid was caught stealing gold after her former employer happened to come across her IG page selling his wife’s jewellery.

The maid, an Asian woman, returned to her home country after her services ended with the Abu Dhabi family.

The employers, meanwhile, hired another maid when they found out that gold is missing from their home.

Since, the new maid was at home alone most of the time, the employer accused her of stealing his wife’s jewellery.

That changed when he was scrolling on Instagram and happened to come across his former maid’s account. Upon opening her profile, he was shocked to find the missing jewellery which she was trying to sell via posts.

She was asking people to contact her for the prices in caption

The man immediately notified the police and proceeded to clear the name of his second maid by submitting evidence to the Abu Dhabi courts.

The case is ongoing.

READ MORE: A Dubai Man Has Been Arrested For Wearing A Burqa To Spy On His Wife

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