Video Of People On A Public Beach In Alamein Is Making Waves!

Malak Nazir

Public Beach in Alamein Stirs Debates!

A lively video from Sahel’s Alamein beach has sparked a heated debate on social media. The video captures crowds of people gathered up at a public beach, enjoying their day out. However, the reactions to this bustling beach day have been sharply divided.

What’s the Controversy About?

Some people argue that the crowded scene is inappropriate and visually disturbing. They voiced out their concerns and fear of the beach turning into just another copy of Alexandria’s public beaches.

On the other side, many are coming to the defense of the people enjoying their summer. Supporters claim that the beach, a public space, should be a venue for joy and relaxation, emphasizing that everyone has the right to unwind and have fun.

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As the video continues to circulate, people continue to highlight issues such as lack of facilities on the beach.

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