Foreign Film Director Admires The Karnak Guard’s Eyes!

Raghad Khaled

Foreign Film Director Admires The Karnak Guard’s Eyes!

Curtis Ryan Woodside, a South African-born, Italy resident director, visited Egypt a few days ago, and during his trip to Luxor, he met Al Karnak’s guard.

During his visit, he publicly admired the guard’s eyes on his Facebook account and their stunning color!

His post stated “Yesterday I met an Egyptian man named Hamdi at Karnak. He is a guard of the temple, a wonderful man. However, one thing I noticed when we were speaking was his eyes! They are the most incredible blue-grey color! He even said to me that we have the same eyes, which was a really nice compliment to get”

This post sparked many wholesome comments from Egyptians and foreigners who have met Hamdi and shared their admiration for his unique eyes!

The comments on Curtis’s post:

The post on Curtis’s Facebook and Instagram platforms was met with wholesome comments who shared their admiration for Hamdi’s eyes.

Some of the people commented that Hamdi’s unique eyes matched his ancestors, relating him to ancient egyptian pharaohs.

Someone commented saying “Hamdy is as if he was outside the walls with our ancient Egyptian ancestors. Welcome to Egypt. I wish you a happy trip in the mother of the world, Egypt.”

About Curtis:

Curtis is a South African-born, Italy resident director who is in love with egyptian ancient history!

He visited Egypt in March 2017 and filmed a 90-minute documentary titled “Egypt Through the Years”.

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