Wegz Fans Are Outraged After Concert Fiasco This Friday


As fans lined up eagerly to attend the long awaited Wegz concert that took place at Al Manara Arena in New Cairo this past Friday November 4th, they were met with chaos, unprecedented crowds of people, and a lot of dismayed fans who were denied access to the venue.

Overcrowding issues

These satellite images below are not of ants, but is actually showing the thousands of people that waited outside the concert venue at the Wegz concert while he commenced performing.

Fans were so frustrated that some resorted to jumping the fence to gain access while others took to social media to vent their frustrations.

Tiktok takes over 

Influencer Sarah Abd El Razik took to Tiktok to share her frustration live from outside the concert venue, which has now been viewed 2.6M times.

Abd El Razik explained that she paid a hefty fee for her tickets and was still denied access to the venue, along with thousands of others who were also turned away as a result of poor management and organization. 

Concert organizers have not responded or taken any actions of compensation regarding the tickets of fans who were denied access. Wegz has yet to respond or issue a statement as well.

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