Salma Abu Deif Is Criticized For Over-Stressing Slang Language In “Aala Nesbet Moshahda”

Malak Nazir

What’s the deal?

Salma Abu Deif has been the talk of the town! This comes after starring in “Aala Nesbet Moshahda” that tells the story of a poor girl who belongs to an unprivileged family and tries to make money to overcome the challenges through social media and posting videos on Tiktok.

“That’s not how girls speak”

Salma attempts to speak in a slang accent to fit into the role. However, people felt that the accent was exaggerated, over-stressed and too pushed. People gathered at X and criticised Salma, explaining that the role doesn’t fit her, while other believed that she has done great improvement in her performance.

Is it worth the watch?

Yes! The series sheds light on the misuse of social media among teenagers which is incredibly relatable. The characters portrayed by Entesar and Mohamed Mahmoud are realistic and very well-executed. “Aala Nesbet Moshahda” marks Salma Abu Deif’s debut lead role in TV dramas. Alongside Laila Ahmed Zaher, Farah Youssef, Entesar, Ahmed Fahim, Mohamed Mahmoud, and Islam Ibrahim. In addition to that, the series is written by Samar Taher and directed by Yasmine Ahmed Kamel

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