Qatar Announced The New Petrol Prices For September 2022

Mayar Ibrahim

The new petrol prices are out! Motorists, you’ll be happy to hear that Super and Diesel have not changed. However, there was a 0.05 increase in Premium.

Marsal Qatar announced the new petrol prices for September 2022 today, August 31

Fuel prices remain stagnant this month as there is no change to Super and Diesel prices. On the other hand, there was a 0.05 increase in Premium prices.

The new prices are as follows:

Super 2.10 QR/Litre
Premium 1.95 QR/Litre
Diesel 2.05 QR/Litre

Fuel Prices in Qatar remained relatively the same over the last 3 months

The new prices have Super at 2.10 QR/Litre, Premium at 1.95 QR/Litre, and Diesel 2.05 QR/Litre.

However, in August 2022, Premium was sold at 0.05 QR less. So, Super Gasoline sold at 2.10 QR/Litre, Premium Gasoline at 1.90 QR/Litre, lastly Diesel at 2.05 QR/Litre.

July 2022 had similar prices to August 2022, while on the other hand, September 2022 has the same prices as June 2022.

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