Dubai’s Red Letter Mailboxes Reignite Childhood Nostalgia

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Dubai, sending a letter was a big deal!

You would pen down your thoughts and feelings, carefully fold the paper, slide it into an envelope, and seal it shut. Then, you’d walk over to one of Dubai’s ICONIC red letterboxes scattered around the city, raise the little flag, and watch as your precious cargo vanished into the depths of the mailbox.

Those were simpler times when snail mail was the norm and emails, and instant messaging were just a distant dream. But as technology advanced, the landscape changed – and with it, so did our modes of communication.

Today, in Dubai and worldwide, we’re more likely to communicate via WhatsApp or email than handwritten letters. And while there’s no denying the convenience and speed of these digital channels, there’s a certain nostalgia that comes with reminiscing about the good old days of letter writing.

So, those wishing to recapture the magic of sending and receiving handwritten letters will be happy to know that Dubai’s letterboxes can still be used to send letters!

Once stamped, you can pop in your letter from the emirates post office, as the letter collection happens every few days.


THIS particular letter mailbox is located in Al Satwa, outside AL Foqahaa Book Shop

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