Everything You Need To Know About Mosquito Season In Dubai 

Attention Dubai peeps: it’s that time of the year again – mosquito season! You may feel as if an infestation of those pesky little blood-suckers have taken over the city, however, it’s completely normal for there to be an explosion of mosquitoes around this time of the year.

According to Lulu Pest Control, mosquito season in Dubai typically occurs during the spring and summer. This is because mosquitoes thrive in warm, humid environments, which Dubai certainly has in spades during the summer.

“The mosquito situation is really getting out of hand in JLT right now. Morning, afternoon, night anytime I go out or even dare to sit on my 9th floor balcony I’m tracked by millions of mosquitoes that are breeding here in the lake near cluster V.”

Residents have taken to social media to share their discomfort over the increased number of mosquitos in various areas across the city.

DMCC shared a statement exclusively to Lovin Dubai on the above:

During this time of year it is common to see an increase of mosquitos in many areas and communities in Dubai. The reported increase of mosquitoes in JLT have been noted and additional pest control measures are underway. Our community can rest assured that the matter is being addressed as we continue to closely monitor the situation.

But fear not, for Lovin Dubai is here to feed you with tips and tricks to avoid mosquito bites and deal with them after they have bitten you:

First and foremost, prevention is key!

Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk, so try to limit your outdoor activities during those times. If you absolutely must be outdoors, make sure to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to cover up as much skin as possible, like a mosquito-fighting ninja.

And keep ’em mosquito repellents close and handy.

If you do happen to get bitten… do NOT scratch!

The first thing you should do is resist the urge to scratch. It’s easier said than done, but scratching will only make the itch worse and could even lead to an infection.

There are also a few things you can apply to the bite to ease the itchiness. Aloe vera gel, tea tree oil, and even plain old toothpaste can all provide some relief. And if you’re feeling adventurous, try rubbing a banana peel on the bite. Not only is it rumored to be effective, but it will also make you smell like a tropical smoothie (hehe).

Well… this sure sucks!

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