You Can Find Out If Your Partner Is Cheating On You Via NADRA

Qaumi Tasdeeq-o-Tajdeed Campaign - NADRA

The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) has started a new method for verifying family members called the Qaumi Tasdeeq-o-Tajdeed Campaign (QTTC).

In Pakistan, secret weddings are quite prevalent. The legislation allows men to ask their first wives whether they wish to marry again, but Islamic Shariah Law requires men to tell their wives before marrying again. However, it is frequently overlooked since women are uncomfortable with their husbands remarrying. There is now a method to find out about your husband’s secret marriage from NADRA.

Check the marriage status of your partner or spouse

The ‘Qaumi Tasdeeq-o-Tajdeed Campaign’ is the name of a campaign that allows women to check the marriage status of males they are going to marry or who are already married. This method was created specifically for the purpose of verifying family members.

You will receive information on your family members as a result of your request. If any information is inaccurate, or if the name of an invader or unrelated individual appears among the family members, respond with “1” to notify NADRA. From NADRA’s helpline, 051-2778009, a representative will contact you in this respect. If all of the information is valid, write “2” in response to NADRA to confirm the accuracy of the information.

Qaumi Tasdeeq-o-Tajdeed Campaign by NADRA

How do you ACTUALLY verify family members?

To use the verification and renewal service, you must send an SMS to NADRA from the same cellphone number that you gave at the NADRA registration center when you applied for your ID card or “B” form. If your cellphone number is not registered with NADRA, you can register or modify it at any NADRA center. This service is available at no cost at all NADRA registration centers.

Without any doubt, the initiative is great but will work if people register their marriages with NADRA. There should also be some kind of initiative that people get their marriage registered in the future. The initiative will be of no use if people don’t take it seriously. 

Also, check out some other initiatives the government is taking such as the Cadastral Mapping.

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