CBS’s “60 Minutes” Interview With Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince


Crown Prince, Mohammad Bin Salman interview on CBS

For the second time crown prince, minister of defense, prince Mohammad Ben Salman appears on the American television, on CBS Evening News for an interview on “60 Minutes”. The interview was conducted by Norah O’Donnell, the anchor of the CBS on Tuesday in Jeddah

CBS’s “60 Minutes” new season kicked off with an interview with Saudi crown prince

According to media reports, CBS’s “60 Minutes” new season starting with crown prince interview will be broadcast on Sunday, September 29. Bin Salman’s first interview with “60 Minutes” that was conducted on March 18, 2018, is the first interview by an Arabic leader with an American media network since 2005. The interview tackled Saudi American relationships, Yemen war, and tensions in Iran.

The interview also comes as tensions in the region have once again hit a boiling point due to the Iranian attack against Saudi Aramco facilities and amid international consensus to restrain Iran’s actions

Saudi Arabia is now witnessing multiple social and economic developments as explained previously by the crown prince during his first interview with CBS in 2018, who comes back on the screen while a number of reformations have been implemented, especially what is related to women empowerment and allowing her to work and travel.

In addition, the kingdom’s openness to the world and issuing tourist visas for the first time. He also talked about what has been achieved of Saudi vision and upcoming economic and political programs in the kingdom economic and political programs in the kingdom

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