Oka Pan Asian and Sushi, Is A Whole Experience


Lahore has always had great food options, but now, it is making its way into the sushi scene as well. Sure, every Lahori loves eating that desi tikka boti with naan. That’s the Lahori in you talking. But when then there comes a time when you don’t want to go to a restaurant just for the food. Well, of course, that, but much more.

Oka. They serve you an environment!

Less than three months to Lahore, and Oka is already creating the buzz that it deserves. This sushi place has opened its doors to Lahoris in Defence phase 5. With seating options on both the first and second floors of the building, they are doing a phenomenal job.

As you enter the building you are received by the receptionist on the ground floor who greets you in a polite way that just makes you smile. And we’re all about smiles here.

An elevator takes you up towards whichever floor you want, with an option of seating on the first floor and second. When you enter the restaurant you’ll be politely asked about your reservation. It’s fine if you don’t have any, but with the hype this place is getting, you better start reserving your spot if you want to be seated on time.

The Ambiance

The lighting inside is mellow. Bamboo-shaped lights hanging from the rooftop and lights splashed on the walls defuse the environment, there isn’t a single direction from where you’ll receive direct light. This makes it very soothing and you can actually feel yourself relaxing.

They have a terrace seating area, which would serve well for all the smokers out there who want to take their time and play with smoke as you wait for your order to get ready. The wooden chairs, the cherry tree and on top of it all the choice of music that they have is sensational. The whole vibe just clicks!

Isn’t this a place you’d sit for hours talking to your friends and just enjoying yourselves?

Their Food is SENSATIONAL!

Lahoris know their food. You’d only be able to serve food on people’s tables for long if you serve something delicious. Otherwise, Lahore doesn’t let a business keep up as it has numerous food places with such good food.

Oka, has created an environment out of their service and food. You are served margaritas as you take your seat. After you’re done ordering the food doesn’t take any time in reaching your dinner table. They have some amazing options which are all delicious to try.

As you enjoy the food and environment, you get totally lost in the experience of it all as you just feel calm. Your table is all lit up with the candle the waiter put there right before serving you food. You are given chopsticks for anyone who knows how to eat with them and is more comfortable. At the end of it, they ALSO serve you a complimentary dessert. How COOL is that?

Oka, Pan Asian and Sushi is a MUST visit.

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