Here’s How The World’s Reacting To Saudi’s Upcoming Vertical City


Neom is known as Saudi’s upcoming smart-city of innovation and zero pollution

Part of the Vision 2030 projects, the Crown prince recently announced Neom’s vertical city known as ‘The Line.’ This city isn’t your normal concrete jungle of just buildings and villas, but is actually going to be vertical! The city will house different commercial, residential, and community buildings that will sit atop each other vertically. The lne will run on 100% renewable energy, and will preserve 95% of the area for nature. It aims to accomodate around 9 MILLION people and will extend to measure around 170 kilometers long.

Some people are absolutely shocked as to how this is going to happen

While others are actually concerned about the animals and ecosystem within this vertical city



People are also criticizing the project to prompt those who can afford living there to ‘close off’ from the outside polluted world

Some are also concerned about how the project will use a huge bulk of materials for the the mirrored structure and soon confuse the wildlife surrounding the area

The Financial Times also believes this project to be more of a ‘dystopia’ than an actual city


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However despite common skepticism, some still have faith this project will be an ultimate success and blow everyone’s mind once completed

Many people around the world are also excited for this unique project and are looking to invest

What do you think about this project?

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