
Have Your Viewing Experience Enhanced With These 6 HDMI Cables
Introducing the cheapest way to connect anything to your tele. If you don’t have a smart TV and are not …

Starting To Look Like A Hairy Yeti? Then These 5 Facial Razors Will Keep Away The Fuzzies
Salons are closed and we are all struggling with DIY self-care, from our nails, hair and facials to hair removal …

May The Universe Give You The Strength To Resist These 4 ADORBS Baby Yoda Merch
Adorbsss tiny little face, large floppy ears, loves to sleep, Baby Yoda is all things cutenesss and we just cannot …

These 9 Ridiculously Fun Coffee Mugs Will Deem You As Best Gift Giver Of The Decade
There’s no such thing as having ‘too many’ coffee mugs… amirite?! Are you always on the hunt for the quirkiest, …

6 Affordable Dog Training Pads Cuz’ You’re Not Allowed To Walk Your Dogs Outside Right Now
Dog parents, please note that Dubai residents are not allowed to walk their dogs outdoors during the 24-hour nationwide disinfection …

These 5 Funny Aprons Will Have You In Giggles Whilst You’re Cooking Away
Cooking can be a task. But it’ll be anything but a task with these 5 HILAR aprons. (A touch of …

Your Delicate Hands Can’t Handle The Labour Of Making Dalgona Coffee But These 4 Mixers Can
You have to be living under a rock to not have heard of the Dalgona coffee challenge. Everyone’s doing it, it’s …

These 4 Witty Glasses Will Sum Up Your Adulting Woes Perfectly
The days when adulting becomes a pain in the backside, a glass of chilled bevvie in a witty glass is …

These 6 Unique Bedside Lamps Will Light Up Your Room Like Nobody Else
Brighten up your room with these beautiful nightstand lamps that will end up being terrific conversation starters as well. Ditch …