24-Hour Curfew Lifted: New Timings Announced Across The Kingdom


Curfew lifted: King Salman orders a partial lift in curfew across the country.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry today reported a partial change of curfew timings across the Kingdom, except for the Holy City of Makkah and certain previously announced isolated districts.

The new curfew timings begin today (9am to 5pm) and will continue until Wednesday, May 13 when the situation will be reviewed.

Economic activity will gradually increase

From Wednesday, April 29 until May 13 certain economic activities like wholesale and retail trade stores and malls are permitted to reopen. The order stated that social distancing must be implemented,  and certain construction companies and factories will be permitted to operate. Social gatherings of more than five people are still banned. The public is urged to take responsibility for your actions and reminded that violators will be fined.



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