HUZZAH! 10 VIP Tickets For The Creative Studio Event Are Up For Grabs NOW

Creative Studio is a week-long event for art lovers, artists and art appreciators in Saudi Arabia. It will hold not just as a platform for visual artists to showcase their work but for others to learn, grow and share this passion for the arts.

And luckily, our Lovin Saudi readers have the chance to win at least one of the 10 VIP tickets to attend the event in Riyadh from Nov 25-Dec 1.

Here’s what you can expect from the event

The Creative Studio event will give enough time for creatives in the city to attend its multiple scheduled programs. Think of it as a festival, except you don’t just get to stand and admire art but actually take part in it too.

There will be art, photography and design workshops for beginners and professionals alike. A maze will be the entry-point, featuring a variety of special effects that’ll showcase just how much creative input was put into the whole thing.

Aside from that, names from the art and creative industry are lined up for talks, seminars and presentations of artworks.

If you want the full info on this event, click this link to read more.

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And joining the comp comes in two easy steps

Answer the question below and enter your personal details. Entries for submission are open from Thursday (Nov 15) and will run for a week.

That’s it!

We’ll be contacting the winners via the email they submit, one week from today, so that’s next Thursday (22nd of November.)

Make sure you read our terms and conditions before submitting an entry.

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