Opinion: Sustainable Diets Are ESSENTIAL To Save The Planet And Its Important To Gain More Awareness About This

Saudi Arabia, especially due to its geographical location, is going to be especially prone to more frequent heatwaves and higher temperatures (particularly in the summer) and it’s, kinda, terrifying.

Of course, it is absolutely necessary that industry reforms and stronger policies are established to reduce further impacts of climate change

But, individuals, too, have a huge role to play in protecting the planet. Ask any environmental expert and they will tell you, reducing plastic waste, opting to buy products that are produced in a sustainable way, reducing our carbon footprints (by opting to carpool, use public transport, etc), and eating less meat are some ways individuals can do their parts.

Let’s talk about how important the last one is (because there doesn’t seem to be enough awareness on the issue).

Curbing the world’s huge (and ever growing) appetite for meat is essential to avoid devastating climate change

Seriously. According to one of the most comprehensive studies on the topic published in October 2018 by the journal, Nature, the meat industry contributes close to one fifth of green house gas emissions.

Even more than the combined emissions of all cars, planes, trains, and ships

And that’s not all – meat also consumes a LOT of water to be produced. Experts say that producing 1 kg of beef is estimated to require close to 14,000 litres of water and 7 to 10 kg of feed. (In comparison, it takes approximately 1000 litres of water and just 2 kg of feed to produce 1 kg of chicken.)

The scientific study is calling for a “global shift” towards more plant-based diets (here are some great vegan restaurants to try in Saudi) and slashing food waste, more awareness, and (of course) industry reform towards tackling the problem.

So, if you really want to make a difference to the world, start by reducing the amount of meat you eat. It can be tough considering how centric meat is to Middle Eastern foods (plus, who wants to permanently give up steaks and burgers for life?) so a good way to start is by reducing how much meat we consume.

“In the Middle East, we used to have diets that focused on rice with lentils and chick peas,” says one advocate. “That’s the way we’ve eaten for ages, with just small amounts of meat – there are other foods, such as legumes and beans, that provide the same protein and iron.”

Cutting meat down by however much is doable is a great start. Be it down to just one meal a week, or one every two to three days, or even if you promise yourself to only eat one meat-centric meal a day (instead of the usual two – or three).

It is an important start. And it is going to make a difference.

Plus, it is going to be great for your health to replace most of the meat in your diet with vegetables and fruits. Everybody wins.

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