Massive Drugs Haul Seized In 9 Failed Smuggling Attempts


Khalid Port Customs Centre of the Sharjah Ports Customs and Free Zones Authority (SPCFZA) successfully thwarted 9 smuggling attempts. The UAE is coming down hard on those who try to bring drugs into the country.

From Jan to April, Sharjah authorities seized 60.216 kilograms of narcotic drugs

Authorities also took 14,378 narcotic tablets. They found drugs concealed in various ways such as refrigerated containers. These methods also showcase the smugglers’ increasing inventiveness in their attempts to introduce these contrabands into the country.

Sharjah Customs stressed its continuous support towards protecting the security and welfare of society against drugs

Salem Abdullah Majid Al Zomor, Director of Khalid Port Customs Centre, said:

“The significant attention granted by the SPCFZA to the customs sector, along with the provision of cutting-edge customs detection devices and the adoption of the latest technologies in the customs field, have been pivotal in amplifying the effectiveness of our operations.”

The SPCFZA is equipped with the latest international screening devices. Moreover, the inspection officers identified and seised the illegal substances immediately upon their arrival.

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